School News and Events
Click "read more" to see important dates for the 2025–2026 school year. The full holiday and in-service calendar will be available before Spring Break.
On Fridays during Lent, Upper School students will participate in Stations of the Cross. Their involvement is important, so please refrain from picking up your child early before Stations of the Cross.
Congratulations to our Diocesan Religion Bowl competitors who proudly represented STA during Catholic Schools Week! Kate O. (5th grade), Emily G. (8th grade), and Cole M. (7th grade) competed and did an amazing job. Way to go, Wildcats!
The Rhinestone Rodeo still has sponsorship opportunities available! Don’t miss your chance to support STA while promoting your business. Underwriting sponsors play a vital role in the success of our 2025 Auction. Sponsorship deadline: February 14, 2025. Click "read more" to see all available sponsorship.
Underwriting sponsors are critical to the success of our 2025 Auction, Rhinestone Rodeo, and all St. Thomas Aquinas Parents’ Association fundraising efforts. Last year, your generous contributions helped us raise over $400,000 for continued advancements in classroom technology, updates to our two campuses, and scholarships, ensuring every child at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School receives an exceptional education. Commitments must be received by January 22, 2025, for sponsors at the $2,500 level and above to receive name recognition on auction t-shirts. Deadline for all sponsorships is February 14, 2025.
This Advent season, we’re joining together to support our church’s St. Vincent de Paul Society by stocking the SVdP food pantry to help families in need within our community. Please bring in one or more of the following items starting on Monday, December 9th - Thursday, December 19th. Let’s rally as a school community to make a difference. Together, we can make this Advent season truly meaningful!
Join us for the STA Band Christmas Concert on Wednesday, December 13th at 8:15 AM in the Upper School Drama Room.
Click the "read more" to see the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church Christmas Mass and Confession schedule.