St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School is a uniform school. Steeped in tradition with a modern flare, there are many variations of the uniform in which families can chose. Uniforms are purchased through Risse Brothers School Uniforms and the St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School Spirit Store.

Detailed Uniform Guide
What do STA students wear?
Regular Uniform
Most school days are regular uniform days. Students wear uniform pieces specific to their grade-level. See Uniform Guide below. In 2024-2025 boys will wear solid black tennis/athletic shoes and girls will wear solid white tennis shoes or navy and white saddle shoes with their school uniform.
Formal Uniform
Important: Students in 3rd - 8th grade will wear their formal uniforms on Mass days.
Students in 3rd-8th grade have formal uniform pieces including white button down shirts, pants, and ties for the boys, and white button down shirts and cardigan sweaters for the girls. Eighth grade students wear the blue oxford button down. Formal uniform is worn for all masses and 8th grade high school visits.
ID Badges
Student ID badges MUST be worn during the school day at all times. Students will receive their school ID badge on the first day of school. If your child needs a replacement badge, your FACTS account will be charge $5 for a replacement.
Free Dress
Free dress days are special days where students can express themselves through their clothing. On these days students can wear free dress in compliance with the Student/Parent Handbook policies. These days, including Birthday Dress Down Day, will be indicated in the weekly newsletter, on the school calendar, and announced to Upper School students in the afternoon.
Sizing Guides
STA Spirit Store
The Spirit Store is open Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM when school is in session. Merchandise in the Spirit Store may be purchased by credit card, Venmo, or charged to your FACTS Account.
Risse Brothers Uniforms
Risse Brothers School Uniforms is our official uniform store. Located at 4452 Beltway Drive, Addison, Texas 75001.