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Welcome to STA

Thank you for your interest in St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School. We understand selecting the right school for your child involves a thoughtful decision. We believe our school offers a choice second to none and we look forward to sharing our vision with you.

With a tradition of excellence in Catholic education since 1947, St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School offers students an opportunity to grow and thrive in a nurturing, faith-based, values-driven community. Our students are inspired to expand their intellect, build strong moral character and develop a thirst for life-long learning. STA provides a rigorous academic program rooted in the liberal arts, developing strong communications skills, problem-solving, and critical thinking — essential skills for any learner in the 21st century.

At St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, our Catholic identity is paramount. We offer numerous opportunities, from prayer and the sacraments, to service trips and retreats, for students to encounter Jesus Christ in a real and personal way. As members of a vibrant community, your child will come to discover his/her unique gifts and learn to use these gifts for personal success, to help others at school, and to serve those in need in the broader community. Upon graduation, our students continue to make us proud and continue the tradition of excellence for which STA is known.

Again, welcome to St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic School, and go Wildcats!


Dr. Patrick Magee